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Version history and changelog
This is the version history and changelog of INSPIRATA indicating what was changed in which version. We recommend running the latest version of INSPIRATA at any time. Here is how to get the latest version and update your instance.
- Improvement New output formats: added support for numerous new output surround formats. Added 7.1.4 support to the Professional Edition which now supports 56 surround formats and 137 DAW specific variants. Added 73 surround formats up to 22.2 to Immersive in 198 different DAW specific channel variants.
- Improvement Input format selector: introduced an option to specify the input surround format.
- Improvement Speaker filter for azimuth control: added a filter to better display formats with many speakers.
- Fix Fixed issue where an invalid room file would prevent other room files from being loaded.
- Fix Redesigned Room path selector on macOS for improved user experience.
- Fix Resolved incorrect plugin delay compensation reporting to the DAW, which caused an audible comb filter effect in some cases.
- Fix In the Lite edition, loading a factory preset could irreversibly mute the wet signal, requiring a full plugin reload. This has been addressed.
- Fix Corrected several minor stability issues.
- Improvement Added support to new product categories for Inspirata Roompack Extension.
- Improvement Slightly reduced the overall CPU load of Inspirata.
- Fix Fixed a CPU overusage issue when multiple instances were running and then stopped for a long time on Apple Silicon
- Improvement All editions of INSPIRATA Reverb Workstation natively support Apple Silicon (M1 and M2 CPUs).
- Improvement New user interface language options: Chinese (traditional), Chinese (simplified), Japanese, Korean
- Fix The plugin window size reset function is now fixed.
- Fix Fixed the A/B preset functionality for some cases when it did not work consistently.
- Fix The display of the selected delay mode was faulty when the NATURAL option was selected.
- Improvement The plugin uses less CPU resources for smaller rooms.
- Improvement The sorting preference on the browser page is now saved and won’t jump to the default setting when repoening the plugin.
- Improvement Enhanced the appearance of the preset menu.
- Improvement Only those presets are shown in the preset list where the corresponding room file is available in the room folder.
- Improvement The exact x and y coordinates of the selected sound source or the listener are shown and can be adjusted.
- Improvement The routing matrix textbox behavior was improved.
- Improvement The global crosstalk cancellation default value is now set to 0.5
- Improvement Improved CPU load and multithreading resilience in all processing scenarios and all editions.
- Fix Reduced the CPU load in idle mode when no room was loaded.
- Fix Fixed potential unresponsiveness when removing sources or toggling auto-routing under rare special circumstances.
- Fix In some cases, additional sources did not produce a sound until the position or a parameter was slightly moved.
- Fix Fixed a potential crash to occur when Inspirata is added to tracks with more than 2 channels under rare special circumstances (an issue since v1.0.23).
- Improvement INSPIRATA instances on different tracks in a DAW now cooperate in sharing computing thread resources allowing a more stable operation when a large number of threads or instances are launched simultaneously. This also fixes performance degradation issues and non-responsiveness previously reported with Cubase.
- Improvement Pro Tools automation data display is now accessible through the GUI of INSPIRATA by using the shortcut Ctrl+Start+Alt-click (Windows) or Ctrl+Option+Command-click (Mac) on a GUI element.
- Improvement Added further optimizations and reduced the overall CPU load by about 10%.
- Improvement Added a control to Settings to adjust the plugin latency. Increasing the latency will decrease the overall CPU load.
- Fix Fixed a false Pro Tools RAM outage message on the Mac version of INSPIRATA.
- Fix Resolved validation issues occurring in Digital Performer.
- Fix Fixed a problem of a temporary slowness in the response of the GUI when the LATE tab was selected.
- Fix The room content of Matthias Church - Budapest is fixed. Placing the receiver to certain positions resulted in distortion. This problem is fixed now.
- Improvement Earlier, the plugin opened up each time with the BASIC page as the active page. Now INSPIRATA opens up with the last active page that was used before closing the GUI.
- Improvement Plugin performance and stability is greatly improved due to further signal processing optimization.
- Improvement A new feature is added to the SPEAKER SETUP tab called LOCK PAIRS. When enabled, the angles of the paired speakers will change together to keep the symmetry. The improvement is that this function can now be disabled and asymmetrical speaker azimuth angles are now supported. The feature is enabled by default.
- Improvement The display time of the GUI of INSPIRATA has been significantly improved.
- Improvement When deleting or overwriting a user preset, INSPIRATA will ask for confirmation to help prevent unwanted actions.
- Improvement The Settings menu now contains new configuration options regarding whether the low-cut/high-cut filtering is applied to the wet signal only, to the dry signal only, or to both signals.
- Improvement A warning message is now displayed when no room files are found in the designated folders.
- Improvement When no room is selected in INSPIRATA, the plugin now automatically operates in Bypass mode and it does not mute the signal.
- Improvement An automatic routing-matrix function is available. When initializing INSPIRATA on a track, the default number of sound sources will be equal to the channel count of the track and the routing matrix will be filled out automatically. You can disable the function and do manual routing by un-ticking the AUTO option under the routing matrix.
- Improvement Specific speaker azimuth angles can now be set up by double-clicking on the corresponding speaker(s) and typing in the desired numbers in degrees.
- Change The built-in default room (Lisinski Small Hall) that was part of the plugin installer in the Windows version is now removed. The size of the plugin installer is now considerably smaller and updates are much smoother this way. The room remains available in the Roompack.
Changes below affect INSPIRATA Personal, Professional and Immersive editions
- Fix Factory presets and user presets opened up with incorrect speaker setup in INSPIRATA v1.0.20. Factory presets and user presets created with v1.0.19 or earlier are opening up correctly now. User presets created with v1.0.20 can be easily fixed manually by re-selecting the desired speaker setup from the drop-down menu on the SPEAKER SETUP tab. This needs to be done only once. When re-selecting is done, not only the speaker configuration, but the speaker angles will also load up according to the previously saved state.
- Fix The Quadro (4.0) speaker configuration had incorrect speaker azimuth angles, these are now corrected.
- Improvement Reset functions were added to the SPEAKER SETUP and the DIRECTIVITY tabs. On the SPEAKER SETUP tab, the button resets the speaker azimuth angles to the default values, but does not change the chosen speaker configuration.
Changes below affect all editions
- Fix Corrected the issue of not loading all rooms when the room loading process was interrupted by adding another folder to the list while INSPIRATA was still loading from the previous folders.
- Improvement The default choice of the speaker setup and the default number of sound sources are now automatically adjusted to match with the track configuration which INSPIRATA was initialized on.
- Improvement The gain slider on the Main Control Panel now adjusts both the Wet and the Dry gain simultaneously.
- Fix On some systems Pro Tools sometimes crashed while loading a project that contained previously saved instances of INSPIRATA due to not being able to load the rooms properly. A more fault-tolerant room loading method is now implemented that prevents this behavior.
- Fix When INSPIRATA is used in a mono-to-stereo channel configuration in Logic Pro and Pro Tools, the dry signal is now sent to both output channels.
- Fix The AU validation of the Personal Edition sometimes failed in Logic Pro and GarageBand since v1.0.19. (affects the Personal Edition only).
- Fix Fixed issues causing some DAWs to fail to load the selected space when re-opening a saved project.
- Fix Fixed the problem of non-real-time renders not working correctly in certain situations. Both online (real-time) and offline (non-real-time) renders now correctly work.
- Fix Fixed an issue, where changing some project parameters (e.g., buffer size, sample rate) temporarily resulted in muting the output of INSPIRATA.
- Improvement Changed the default spatial settings when loading a room to produce a slightly wider image to avoid having to adjust it.
- Improvement Minor GUI improvements
- Fix Fixed loading the previously saved source and listener positions when re-opening a project in a DAW
- Fix Fixed an issue in the behavior of A/B compare function
- Fix Fixed issues causing some DAWs not to list all installed editions when more editions were present simultaneously
- Improvement Improved the GUI to keep the resizer control visible when the Settings or About panel is shown
- Improvement Installation of the default room is now optional
- Fix Fixed a rare possible hang that may occur when deleting a plugin instance
- Fix Fixed a compatibility issue with Logic Pro in certain Mac configurations
- Fix Fixed a compatibility issue with GarageBand in certain Mac configurations
- Fix Fixed a multichannel speaker setup configuration signal path issue affecting configuration with fewer channels than the number of outputs (Professional, Immersive)
- Improvement Minor GUI improvements
- Major Release Initial release
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