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Version history for Hauptwerk Sample Sets
This is the version history and changelog of all Hauptwerk Sample Sets indicating what was changed in which version. We recommend running the latest version of the sample sets at any time. To update the sample set find your product on the My Products page and download the installation package named "latest" or "update".
Mátyás II Pipe Organ Samples
v1.1 - new ODF and package version
- Improvement Compass of rank 0_118 is extended above G3.
- Improvement Divisional combinations Pl and Z are implemented for divisions of the choir organ.
- Fix Midi assignment is fixed of crescendo and swell pedals.
- Change Mechanical couplers are removed, all couplers are electronic couplers.
Salgareda Pipe Organ Samples
- Improvement New impulse response reverbs.
Urakami Pipe Organ Samples
v1.1 - new package version
- Fix Re-processed note: 3_001T D#6.
Mannheim Pipe Organ Samples
v1.1 - new ODF and package version
- Fix Re-processed notes: 2_011_B4 (2_018), 0_022_F#2 (0_043).
- Fix Steppers are fixed (after updating HW5 to version 5.0.1).
- Fix Couplers' effect no longer propagates in HW5 version (like in the HW4 version).
- Improvement Rear tracker noises are implemented.
Palace of Arts Budapest (PAB) Pipe Organ Samples v3
Gravissimo Edition
v3.03 - new ODF version
- Fix Detune function is fixed for all ranks.
- Fix Sostenuto function is fixed for 1st manual.
v3.02 - new ODF version
- Fix Hauptwerk 5 crash when selecting Voicing - Grand Orgue Page is fixed (in HW5).
- Fix Combination steppers are fixed (in HW5).
- Improvement Crescendo Program 1 loads automatically when loading the organ.
- Improvement Loading last used Voicing Combination frame when loading the organ.
- Fix Detune function is fixed (Wet version).
v3.01 - new ODF and package version
- Fix Stop 25 P+III coupler is fixed.
- Fix Ext Unda Maris 16' is fixed.
- Fix Tuning adjustments: 2_068 Quinte and 4_129 Sesquialtera.
- Improvement Swell behavior altering switches (swell curve-, range-, and direction selectors) and swell couplers are storable in the Conf.Combination.
- Improvement Voicing Combination stores all the registers' settings.
- Improvement Voicing sliders are improved - extended ranks are adjusted by original ranks' sliders.
- Improvement On the Stops Page, clicking on the Pedal label cancels the pedal couplers.
Professional Edition
v3.02 - new ODF version
- Fix Combination steppers are fixed (in HW5).
- Improvement Crescendo Program 1 loads automatically when loading the organ.
- Improvement Loading last used Voicing Combination frame when loading the organ.
v3.01 - new ODF and package version
- Fix GUI bug on Stops - Center Page is fixed.
- Fix Tuning adjustments: 2_068 Quinte and 4_129 Sesquialtera.
Medium Edition
v3.02 - new ODF version
- Fix Combination steppers are fixed (in HW5).
- Improvement Crescendo Program 1 loads automatically when loading the organ.
- Improvement Loading last used Voicing Combination frame when loading the organ.
v3.01 - new ODF and package version
- Fix Tuning adjustments: 2_068 Quinte.
Melbourne Town Hall Pipe Organ Samples (MTH)
Professional Edition
v1.11 - new ODF and package version
- Fix GUI bug on Voicing Page is fixed.
v1.1 - new ODF and package version
- Improvement Gain values were recalculated for each individual note - more overwhelming Pedal and Fanfare divisions.
- Fix 'Encl. Great Flues to Choir' and 'Encl. Great Reeds to Choir' are storable in the Crescendo Programs.
v1.01 - new ODF and package version
- Fix General Cancel and Voicing Cancel buttons won't interact with each other.
- Improvement Pedal split (Pedal Divide) is storable in General Combination.
- Improvement Crescendo enabler button is storable in General Combination.
- Improvement Loading last used Voicing Combination frame when loading the organ.
- Fix Reprocessed notes: 1_079T_C3, 2_029_A#5, B5.
- Improvement Improved voicing slider links between shared ranks.
Medium Edition
v1.01 - new ODF and package version
- Fix General Cancel and Voicing Cancel buttons won't interact with each other.
- Improvement Pedal split (Pedal Divide) is storable in General Combination.
- Improvement Crescendo enabler button is storable in General Combination.
- Improvement Loading last used Voicing Combination frame when loading the organ.
- Fix Reprocessed notes: 1_079T_C3, 2_029_A#5, B5.
- Improvement Improved voicing slider links between shared ranks.
Essential Edition
v1.01 - new ODF and package version
- Fix General Cancel and Voicing Cancel buttons won't interact with each other.
- Improvement Pedal split (Pedal Divide) is storable in General Combination.
- Improvement Crescendo enabler button is storable in General Combination.
- Improvement Loading last used Voicing Combination frame when loading the organ.
- Fix Reprocessed notes: 2_029_A#5, B5.
- Improvement Improved voicing slider links between shared ranks.
Scorze Pipe Organ Samples
v1.1 - new ODF and package version
- Improvement Completely new ODF and new reverb layers for performing usage.
Scots Pipe Organ Samples
Personal and Medium Editions
v2 - new ODF and package version
- Improvement Completely reprocessed samples.
Weinheim Pipe Organ Samples
v2.01 - new ODF version
- Fix Fixed piston behaviour on HW v5+ - now they are midi controllable
v2 - new ODF and package version
- Improvement Completely new, slightly longer and lively sounding release tails for performing usage.
Esztergom Pipe Organ Samples
v1.2 - new ODF and package version
- Fix Re-processed notes: 0_165-F2, G#2; 0_164-D#2; 0_164b-E2, D2, C#2, C2.
- Fix Minor GUI bug is fixed on Crescendo Page.
v1.1 - new ODF and package version
- Fix Re-processed note: 0_165-A2.
Pusztaszabolcs Pipe Organ Samples
v1.21 - new package version
- Fix Re-processed note: 2_001-D2.
v1.2 - new package version
- Fix Re-processed note: 0_015-F2.
Last updated: 06 February 2024
Applies to
- Melbourne Town Hall Pipe Organ Samples
- Scorzè Pipe Organ Samples
- Scots Pipe Organ Samples
- Pusztaszabolcs Pipe Organ Samples
- Palace of Arts Budapest Pipe Organ Samples
- Esztergom Pipe Organ Samples
- Kolozsvár Pipe Organ Samples
- Hauptwerk
- Heppenheim Pipe Organ Samples
- Weinheim Pipe Organ Samples
- Bátaszék Pipe Organ Samples
- Salgareda Pipe Organ Samples
- Mannheim Pipe Organ Samples
- INSP:IR Impulse Library
- Urakami Pipe Organ Samples
- Zagreb Pipe Organ Samples
- Ébersviller Pipe Organ Samples
- Massey Memorial Pipe Organ Samples
- Mátyás II Pipe Organ Samples