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Couplers and unison off switches
A coupler allows the stops of a certain division to be played using another division’s keyboard. On the dedicated Couplers Page* you can find a vast range of coupling options, as described below.
* Only Personal and higher editions
In Scots Pipe Organ Samples, certain couplers can be converted to Bass or Melody couplers.
Bass couplers play only the lowest note of the coupled division, Melody will play only the highest. This functionality is also available for the reversed couplers. To turn a coupler to a Bass or Melody coupler, navigate to the Couplers Page and press the button B or M for the corresponding coupler. Only one of them can be selected at a time. |
Transposing couplers are coupling two divisions in a way the source is transposed either an octave up or down. For example, Go/E 4’ means the Great Organ is coupled to the Echo one octave upwards transposed; so playing a C4 note on the Echo will play the C5 of Great also. Similarly, Pos/E 16’ means that the Positive’s one octave lower transposed sounds will be added to the Echo.
Self-transposing couplers work within a division. Turning on E/E 16’ for example and playing a C4 note on the Echo will play the sounds of Echo on C4 and C3 as well.
Unison off will turn off the standard voices of the division, allowing only the couplers, either from other works or self-transposing ones to play. For the example, when E/E 4’ is used in conjunction with the Unison off switch, playing a C4 will give the sound of C5. |
For compatibility reasons and for setups having no organ pedal, reversed couplers are available so that you can play pedal notes on the keyboard. On the Couplers Page, a button ‘Spl’ converts the pedal-to-manual coupler to a split reversed coupler, so the lower part of the keyboard will play the selected pedal stops only.
Views: 3889
Last updated: 17 April 2019
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Last updated: 17 April 2019
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