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Organ files in PAB Gravissimo
PAB Gravissimo ships with multiple organ definition files (organ files). These files contain the logic and programming behavior how the virtual organ works. This document describes the differences of them and provides detail on how they work.
Hauptwerk’s cache
It is important to note that when you load the organ for the first time, Hauptwerk will cache it. Each Hauptwerk executable (such as Hauptwerk stand-alone or Hauptwerk for MIDI sequencing in version 3) has its own cache system. Caching in Hauptwerk means that it will read and processes the sample set data during the first load and save that processed data as a cache file parallel to loading it into the computer’s RAM. Subsequent loadings will read from this cache file and will not process the sample data anymore, so the sample set will be loading faster.
When you first load a variant of the PAB Gravissimo organ in a given Hauptwerk executable, either for example the concert hall acoustic or the cathedral acoustic version, Hauptwerk will cache that version by default. Next time when you select another version to load, the cache file will be used so sounds of the previous version will be loaded, even though you selected another setting. For example, if you loaded the concert hall version using the ‘Hauptwerk (stand-alone)’ executable (Hauptwerk version 3.30), and then selected the sCSA version using the same executable afterwards, you may hear no change in the sound, although perhaps the image files may show a change.
How to handle this
To handle this behavior efficiently, PAB Gravissimo provides a selection of options, summarized below. Assume that you loaded the concert hall version in a given Hauptwerk executable, such as the (stand-alone), and you wish to load the sCSA version or the 2R version now. Assume also that you have cached the concert hall version, which is the default setting in Hauptwerk. In order to load the other version of PAB Gravissimo, you can do any of the following:
Load the other version with the ‘Load organ, adjusting rank and audio output routing…’ option in Hauptwerk.
or |
You can use the same Hauptwerk executable as before, and your voicing settings and combinations will be kept intact and usable in the other organ.
You will need to re-cache the organ every time you switch between the versions, which can be slow.
Launch another Hauptwerk executable and load the organ there. This is the recommended option.
or |
You can keep the cached version of the previous organ in the previous executable. Your combination files will remain usable in the other executable too.
You will need to use a different Hauptwerk executable and re-apply or copy the voicing files.
Use the provided ALT versions of the organ definition files. ALT abbreviate alternative. This works as an independent organ with independent settings.
You can use the same Hauptwerk executable as before as if the other organ was an independent organ, so you can switch between the versions faster.
The combinations and voicing settings you applied to the previous version will not appear in the next version and will not be usable without manually adjusting them.
Organ definition files
The following table summarizes the organ definition files. Each organID will have its own single cache file, so those having the same organID will share the cache and if you switch loading in between them you will need to use one of the options above.
Organ definition file
Inspired Acoustics - Palace of Arts Budapest Pipe Organ Samples - Gravissimo |
default |
This organ definition file is the default organ, providing concert hall acoustics and three release sample layers.
Inspired Acoustics - Palace of Arts Budapest Pipe Organ Samples – Gravissimo 2R
This organ definition file is an alternative to the default, providing the same features as the default except that it uses only two release sample layers instead of the default three. By loading this organ definition file you can save some RAM.
Inspired Acoustics - Palace of Arts Budapest Pipe Organ Samples – Gravissimo sCSA
This organ definition file provides the in-built release-sample based sCSA cathedral acoustics with three release sample layers. This version requires the largest amount of RAM, more than the concert hall version.
Inspired Acoustics - Palace of Arts Budapest Pipe Organ Samples – Gravissimo 2R sCSA
This organ definition file provides the in-built release-sample based sCSA cathedral acoustics with two release sample layers. This version requires less RAM than the default sCSA cathedral acoustic version version which uses three release sample layers.
Inspired Acoustics - Palace of Arts Budapest Pipe Organ Samples – Gravissimo sCSA ALT
This organ definition file has the same contents as the Gravissimo sCSA, but uses a different organ identification number (OrganID) so Hauptwerk will assign a new cache file to it. Combination files and voicing settings will also be independent of the other organs.
Inspired Acoustics - Palace of Arts Budapest Pipe Organ Samples – Gravissimo 2R sCSA ALT
This organ definition file has the same contents as the Gravissimo 2R sCSA, but uses a different organ identification number (OrganID) so Hauptwerk will assign a new cache file to it. Combination files and voicing settings will also be independent of the other organs.
Last updated: 18 April 2019
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