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Keys and keyboards
The virtual instrument boasts the Palace of Arts Budapest’s full five 61-note manuals and a 32-note set of pedals. All keys and keyboards are shown in a photo-realistic perspective view, fully responsive to mouse control. The notes, pedal keyboard, swellbox pedals and crescendo wheel all faithfully mirror your performance.
Keyboard to division assignment switches
In the original organ, keyboards are labeled with numbers I, II, III, IV and V. These play different division in the following order, from top to bottom:
V. Chamade
IV. Solo
III. Récit expressif
II. Positif expressif
I. Grand Orgue
(P Pedal)
This can be considered as a German-type of assignment as having the first keyboard assigned to the main division. However, in many cases more flexibility is required so PAB Gravissimo offers the option to freely assign and division to any keyboard. Another typical setup would be a French-setup, where the second keyboard plays the main division.
On the Couplers Page you will find a range of numbered buttons for each division and two ‘preset’ buttons: ‘German’ and ‘French’. With these buttons you can assign the division to a keyboard. Note that electric couplers will follow the assignment but mechanic couplers work between the keyboard numbers (you can read more about this in Section 5.4).
The French and German presets swap the assignment of the first and second keyboard between the Grand Orgue and the Positif. The states of these buttons can be saved in PAB’s unique PerformanceSequencer™ (described in detail in Section 5.9) and they are also automatically stored in the Combination Action (see Section 5.8), but recalled only if allowed by the appropriate switch.
Note: In order to guarantee compatibility with Hauptwerk™ 4, the keyboard-division assignment was implemented so that the keyboards themselves will not change their orders on the screen and your physical setup is fixed to what you see on PAB’s graphics interface, but the divisions themselves are moving hidden behind. A picturesque explanation can be seen below, where the highlighted arrows show the logical place where the assignment buttons work.
The keyboard to division assignment buttons, as shown by the highlighted arrows, change the keyboard that play a given division. In this example a German setup is shown where the first keyboard will play sounds from the Positif while the second will play the Grand Orgue. This setup is engaged when the German button is pushed.
Last updated: 18 April 2019
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