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MIDI-assignable switches
Should you have a real organ console or a MIDI-capable control surface, please use this list as a reference to assign MIDI messages to the different controls of the virtual pipe organ.
Name | Role description |
B0 | General combinations: general cancel |
BCRESC1_IN1 … 4_IN1 | Selector of crescendo program #1 - #4 on the Crescendo Page |
BDN10 | Combination navigation for the 10's digits, downwards |
BDN100 | Combination navigation for the 100's digits, downwards |
BM | Blower on/off switch |
BS | Set button of General Combination Action |
BUP10 | Combination navigation for the 10's digits, upwards |
BUP100 | Combination navigation for the 100's digits, upwards |
Bnyelvekel | All reeds off button (-Z) button |
CONF-1_IN1 … -6_IN1 | PerfomanceSequencer combination's buttons |
CRESC | Crescendo wheel is enabled when this is turned on |
GEN0_IN1 … 9_IN1 | General combination frame selectors from '0' to '9' |
HELP | Activate the on-screen help on the Keyboards Page |
KM-EN0 | Enable Keyboard Mass on the Pedal |
KM-EN1 | Enable Keyboard Mass on the Hauptwerk |
KM-EN2 | Enable Keyboard Mass on the Schwellwerk |
KM-EN3 | Enable Keyboard Mass on the Rückpositiv |
MAN-11_IN1 | Assign the 1st keyboard to division HW |
MAN-12_IN1 | Assign the 2nd keyboard to division HW |
MAN-13_IN1 | Assign the 3rd keyboard to division HW |
MAN-21_IN1 | Assign the 1st keyboard to division SW |
MAN-22_IN1 | Assign the 2nd keyboard to division SW |
MAN-23_IN1 | Assign the 3rd keyboard to division SW |
MAN-31_IN1 | Assign the 1st keyboard to division POS |
MAN-32_IN1 | Assign the 2nd keyboard to division POS |
MAN-33_IN1 | Assign the 3rd keyboard to division POS |
NEXT_IN1 | Combination Increment button |
PREV_IN1 | Combination Decrement button |
S1 | 0 - Trompete 8' |
S10 | 0 - Subbass 16' |
S11 | 0 - Rohrflöte 8' |
S12 | 0 - Gedecktflöte 4' |
S13 | 1 - Trompete 8' |
S14 | 1 - Zimbel 1/2' II |
S15 | 1 - Mixture 2' III-IV |
S16 | 1 - Doublette 2' |
S17 | 1 - Quinte 2 2/3' |
S18 | 1 - Oktave 4' |
S19 | 1 - Prinzipal 8' |
S2 | 0 - Posaune 16' |
S20 | 1 - Prinzipal 16' |
S21 | Divisional coupler Sw/Hw |
S22 | Divisional coupler Pos/Hw |
S23 | 1 - Bourdon 8' |
S24 | 1 - Holzflöte 8' |
S25 | 1 - Spitzflöte 4' |
S26 | 2 - Tremulant |
S27 | 2 - Clairon 4' |
S28 | 2 - Oboe 8' |
S29 | 2 - Trompete harm. 8' |
S3 | 0 - Prinzipal 4' |
S30 | 2 - Bombarde 16' |
S31 | 2 - Mixtur 1 1/3' III |
S32 | 2 - Prinzipal 4' |
S33 | 2 - Prinzipal 8' |
S34 | 2 - Salicional 8' |
S35 | 2- Unda maris 8' |
S36 | 2 - Rohrflöte 8' |
S37 | 2 - Spillpfeife 4' |
S38 | 2 - Nasard 2 2/3 |
S39 | 2 - Blockflöte 2' |
S4 | 0 - Quintbass 10 2/3' |
S40 | 2 - Terz 1 3/5' |
S41 | 3 - Tremulant |
S42 | 3 - Krummhorn 8' |
S43 | 3 - Scharf 2/3' III-IV |
S44 | 3 - Waldflöte 2' |
S45 | 3 - Prinzipal 4' |
S46 | 3 - Quintade 8' |
S47 | 3 - Holzgedeckt 8' |
S48 | 3 - Rohrflöte 4' |
S49 | 3 - Quinte 1 1/3' |
S5 | 0 - Holzoktave 8' |
S50 | 3 - Sesquialter III |
S6 | 0 - Prinzipalbass 16' |
S7 | Divisional coupler Hw/P |
S8 | Divisional coupler Sw/P |
S9 | Divisional coupler Pos/P |
SM | Set mode of Set button |
SWP-0 … -3 | Swell assignment buttons |
TRITT_IN1 | Kornett An |
Views: 2985
Last updated: 20 March 2020
Applies to
Last updated: 20 March 2020
Applies to