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About Esztergom
Esztergom Pipe Organ Samples (EGOM) is a symphonic virtual pipe organ chromatically sampled stop-by-stop. This Mooser organ is located in the seat of the Catholic Church in Hungary, the Basilica of the Blessed Virgin Mary Assumed Into Heaven and St Adalbert, in Esztergom. The Esztergom Basilica is the 18th largest cathedral in the world, being 118m long and 49m wide. These robust measures result in unique acoustics of reverberation times longer than 9 seconds in wide-band average. The still-current recontstruction and extension of the instrument started in the mid '70s, and still lasts in these days. The Collector's Edition features 91 stops, 77 fully functional stops from the already enormous instrument, 1 shared stop and 13 virtually created stops for increased utility and playability. The original stops include 2 Bombarde 32' and 5 Spanish Trumpet stops. Besides its photo-realistic modeled, extended and full-featured console, the Esztergom Pipe Organ Collector's Edition supports the Dynamic KeyboardMass™ control to provide a realistic playing experience. The Collector's Edition sample set ships with single loops and stereo sound.
Last updated: 09 June 2023
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