Register your product
Register your new product
Download Access & Product Registration
On this page you can redeem your voucher code or serial number and register your product to gain access to its download. Please fill out the form below to start the process. If you do not yet have an account on this website, it will be created in the next steps.
What is this page?
Here you can redeem your product by entering your voucher code or serial number. If you arrived here with a prefilled voucher code, proceed by entering anything that is further needed and you will receive your product.
Make sure you receive e-mails from us
Please make sure your e-mail account is configured so that it can receive e-mails from inspiredacoustics.com. Be sure to add [email protected] and [email protected] to your contacts list or mark these addresses as a trusted sender, add to the safe sender's list or VIPs. You can also whitelist our domain in your e-mail account. This ensures that product delivery and activation code delivery messages will reach your inbox.
Activation of licenses
Some Inspired Acoustics products require activation. For products with iLok protection you may either receive an Activation Code - which is also displayed in IA Connect and under the My Products menu - or you will immediately get a license to your iLok account. If you received an Activation Code you can redeem it using the iLok License Manager app. If you are deposited a license automatically, you will see it appearing in your iLok account and you can activate it through your iLok License Manager app.
Download delivery access
If you recently purchased a downloadable product, your product will automatically be assigned to your user account. If you purchased a downloadable product before November 2019, your downloadable product may not have been automatically shown. In that case, please use the form on this page to enter the serial number you received. This will register the product and assign the download access to your account.
Downloads appear in the My Products menu and can be accessed through our proprietary downloader application called Inspired Acoustics Connect, or IA Connect in short. IA Connect is available for both Windows and Mac desktop platforms. Since many Inspired Acoustics products are large in size, IA Connect uses multiple servers to deliver your download simultaneously and seamlessly, and verifies the download integrity automatically. Your downloads are available for as long as we support the product.
Your product will appear in the My Products and IA Connect application almost instantaneously or within about 1 minute after you have registered depending on our current server load. You will also receive a notification e-mail containing the download details at the same time.
Registration of retail box products
If you recently purchased a retail box product and you would like to register your product, please use the form provided on this page to enter the serial number you find on the registration sheet in the box. Registration is optional, but it is a required process to receive technical support and access downloadable updates and additional content. For your convenience, once you register, you can also access the full product as a download.
Pre-orders and bundles
If you have not received a serial number in your purchase, which may happen in special products such as discounted bundles, please do not worry, the download access will be automatically issued and prepared to you as soon as the product becomes available. If you have received more than one serial numbers in your purchase, because for example you bought a bundle, please enter each serial number one-by-one, separately, to gain access to each download. Please enter only one serial number at a time on this page.
It seems that you already have an account at Inspired Acoustics. Please log in to continue the process.
To access your personalized download, please create an account on this website. Please use the form below to sign up.
There was an error during registering your product, please contact us.
We just created a new user account for you. Please check your email and confirm your e-mail address.
Upon successful e-mail address confirmation, your product registration will be completed automatically and your product will be accessible after logging in and visiting the My Products menu.