Mátyás Pipe Organ Samples

Matyas Pipe Organ Samples (MO) is a 85-stop symphonic virtual pipe organ chromatically sampled stop-by-stop. Besides its fully remodeled and full-featured console, the Matyas Pipe Organ Professional Edition supports the unique realtime spatial adjustability and Dynamic KeyboardMass™ control to provide a realistic playing experience. The Hauptwerk 3 compatible sample set ships with multiple loops, multilple releases, stereo (wet and console), quad surround and adjustable surround - 4 independent versions in 1 package.
The 1909/1984 Rieger-Kloss organ is located in the UNESCO World Heritage cathedral of Notre Dame of Buda, popularly named as the Matthias Church, the number one touristic attraction in the capital of Hungary.
The virtual Matyas Pipe Organ financially supports the original instrument.
Feature highlight: realtime spatial control and surround setup in the Professional Edition.
Key features
- The organ
- the 1909/1984 Rieger-Kloss symphonic organ of the Notre Dame of Buda (Matthias Church), Budapest, Hungary; entirely virtualized
- 85 stops, 5 manuals (with 58 keys) and pedal (with 30 keys)
- electrical console
- Equal tuning at a=440 Hz
- The recording
- High Definition Sampling (HDS) — all stops were sampled chromatically at 192 kHz / 24-bit
- Advanced Pipe Organ Measurements (APM)
- The sample set
- 48 kHz / 32-bit format
- Real-time adjustable stereo and surround, 4-channel fixed surround, and 2-channel stereo versions
- Natural sound image — the samples contain all spatial information as they are heard
- Multiple loops per sample
- Touch sensitivity
- velocity-sensitive (attack and release) optional tracker action noises
- Acoustics
- natural, out-of-the-box cathedral acoustics; semi-dry (between wet and dry) recording
- multiple release samples
- Real-time acoustic controlfor both stereo and surround setups (Professional Edition)
- an intuitive VST plugin is included for native 64-bit and 32-bit VST hosts as well
- up to 8.0 surround per instance of VST plugins
- Noises (also available in adjustable surround)
- optional organ engine (blower) noise
- optional touch sensitive tracker action noises
- Dynamic KeyboardMass™ functionality
- simulates and controls the weigth and inertia of organ keyboards and action independently using a dynamic model
- allows you to adjust the weight of the keyboards in real-time while you play
- Independent Combination Action — entirely GUI-controllable faithfully reproducing the original organ's
- Graphical interface
- Multiple touchscreen-optimized pages best viewed at 1280x1024 native resolution
- Entirelly remodelled console, perspectivic keyboards
Hauptwerk 3 and 4
Internet connection required for license update (one-time only)
Hauptwerk USB key required for the operation of the sample set (not included with the sample set, but supplied with Hauptwerk v3/v4)
License updates are authorized by Inspired Acoustics and issued via e-mail by Milan Digital Audio (the process may take several days)
This sample set comes in an encrypted format compatible with Hauptwerk v3 and v4 versions. The sample set requires the presence of a Hauptwerk v3/v4 USB key (dongle) with a valid license for the sample set on it.
Inspired Acoustics will provide you with a unique serial number allowing you to access the downloads and updates to this sample set. This serial number is a unique key for your product identifying your purchase and legitimate use, so please store it in a secure location.
In addition to this serial number, you also need to have a license installed on your Hauptwerk v3/v4 USB key to use this sample set.
If you purchased this product directly from Inspired Acoustics, a one-time license activation procedure will be required to be completed before you can load the sample set in Hauptwerk. If you purchased this product from a reseller, the license update procedure may not be necessary in case your reseller already did it for you - please consult with your reseller.
Read more about the license update procedure for Hauptwerk v3/v4 sample sets.
Modification or disassembling the contents of this sample set through the CODM interface of Hauptwerk is not supported since the variety of functions, the large number of couplers and manuals, and the availability of the sample set's certain special features already offers most of the functions the CODM interface may offer. The complexity of the Organ Definition File shipping with this sample set is uniquely high and building custom variants requires a certain amount of special expertise. Legally, the end-user license of this sample set is permitting using the samples as a whole, as they ship. If you are planning a custom or commercial application that requires a different setup what this sample set offers out-of-the-box, please contact us for making a customized version for you.