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Technical requirements to upgrade to Hauptwerk V
Hauptwerk V uses PACE’s iLok system for copy protection and the management of licenses of both Hauptwerk V and compatible sample sets. In order to upgrade to Hauptwerk V, you can choose to have a physical iLok USB key or a cloud-based solution, the latter requiring a continuous Internet connection. To proceed with the upgrade, you need to make the following steps.
Step 1: Please create an iLok account. This free web account allows you to store and manage all your licenses. https://www.ilok.com/#!registration
Step 2: Please purchase the upgrade for Hauptwerk V. Then start the sample set migration process from within Hauptwerk V. This migration has to be done once only. Note that there is no technical possibility to return to previous Hauptwerk versions after the migration has completed.
Note that if you upgrade to or buy a new Hauptwerk V or a sample set from Inspired Acoustics, you will not receive a physical iLok dongle. If you choose to use Hauptwerk V with a physical dongle instead of cloud-based licensing requiring continuous internet connection, this physical dongle has to be purchased separately. There are various retail and online stores where you can buy a physical iLok dongle. When you purchase one, it will initially have no licenses copied onto it and you will need to activate your licenses onto the iLok key using the https://www.ilok.com/#!license-manager software. Neither Inspired Acoustics nor Milan Digital Audio are involved in this process.
Last updated: 09 December 2019