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MIDI-assignable switches
Should you have a real organ console or a MIDI-capable control surface, please use this list as a reference to assign MIDI messages to the different controls of the virtual pipe organ.
Switch name | Role description |
0 - Bass Drum Roll | Stop |
0 - Bass Drum Tap | Stop |
0 - Bass Flute 8' | Stop |
0 - Bassoon [SW 16] 8' | Stop |
0 - Bassoon [SW] 16' | Stop |
0 - Bourdon 16' | Stop |
0 - Cello [SW 16] 8' | Stop |
0 - Clarion [Tmpt.] 4' | Stop |
0 - Contra Bass [GT Dbl. Open] 16' | Stop |
0 - Contra Bourdon Acoustic 32' | Stop |
0 - Contra Fagotto [GT] 32' | Stop |
0 - Contra Salicional [CH] 16' | Stop |
0 - Contra Violone [SW] 32' | Stop |
0 - Diaphone 32' | Stop |
0 - Double Open Diapason 32' | Stop |
0 - Double Ophicleide 32' | Stop |
0 - Fifteenth 4' | Stop |
0 - Flute Major [G.B.] 8' | Stop |
0 - Fourniture IV [GT] | Stop |
0 - Geigen Principal [GT 16] 8' | Stop |
0 - Geigen [GT] 16' | Stop |
0 - Grand Fourniture VI [GT] | Stop |
0 - Gravissima [Tibia] 64' | Stop |
0 - Great Bass 16' | Stop |
0 - Lieblich Bourdon [SW 16] 8' | Stop |
0 - Lieblich Bourdon [SW] 16' | Stop |
0 - Octave Diaphone 16' | Stop |
0 - Open Diapason 16' | Stop |
0 - Open Flute 4' | Stop |
0 - Ophicleide 16' | Stop |
0 - Posaune [SO] 16' | Stop |
0 - Prestant 8' | Stop |
0 - Principal [Diap.] 8' | Stop |
0 - Quint [Tibia] 10-2/3' | Stop |
0 - Schalmei [SO] 16' | Stop |
0 - Side Drum Roll | Stop |
0 - Side Drum Tap | Stop |
0 - Stopped Flute [Bdn.] 8' | Stop |
0 - String Bass [ORCH Cont.Viola] 16' | Stop |
0 - Super Octave [Diap.] 4' | Stop |
0 - Tibia Profunda [GT] 16' | Stop |
0 - Tibia Profunda [GT] 32' | Stop |
0 - Trombone [GT] 16' | Stop |
0 - Trumpet 8' | Stop |
0 - Trumpet Victoria [FAN] 8' | Stop |
0 - Tuba [SO] 16' | Stop |
0 - Tuba [SO] 8' | Stop |
0 - Violone [SW] 16' | Stop |
1 - Choir to Keyboard 1_IN1 | Assign the 1st keyboard to division CH |
1 - Choir to Keyboard 2_IN1 | Assign the 2nd keyboard to division CH |
1 - Choir to Keyboard 3_IN1 | Assign the 3rd keyboard to division CH |
1 - Choir to Keyboard 4_IN1 | Assign the 4th keyboard to division CH |
1 - Chorus Mixture V | Stop |
1 - Closed Horn 8' | Stop |
1 - Contra Salicional 16' | Stop |
1 - Cor Anglais 8' | Stop |
1 - Corno Flute 8' | Stop |
1 - Cremona 8' | Stop |
1 - Dulciana Cornet III | Stop |
1 - Echo Viola 4' | Stop |
1 - Flute Celeste II 8' | Stop |
1 - Gemshorn 4' | Stop |
1 - Harmonic Piccolo 2' | Stop |
1 - Horn Diapason 8' | Stop |
1 - Lieblich Flöte 4' | Stop |
1 - Lieblich Gedeckt 8' | Stop |
1 - Salicional 8' | Stop |
1 - Side Drum Roll | Stop |
1 - Tremulant | Stop |
1 - Tuba Sonora [Fanfare] 8' | Stop |
1 - Voix Celeste 8' | Stop |
2 - Carillon [Solo] | Stop |
2 - Clarion 4' | Stop |
2 - Contra Geigen 16' | Stop |
2 - Contra Trombone 32' | Stop |
2 - Diapason Phonon 8' | Stop |
2 - Double Open Diapason 16' | Stop |
2 - Fagotto 16' | Stop |
2 - Fifteenth 2' | Stop |
2 - Gamba Major 8' | Stop |
2 - Grand Fourniture VI-VII | Stop |
2 - Great Organ to Keyboard 1_IN | Assign the 1st keyboard to division GO |
2 - Great Organ to Keyboard 2_IN | Assign the 2nd keyboard to division GO |
2 - Great Organ to Keyboard 3_IN | Assign the 3rd keyboard to division GO |
2 - Great Organ to Keyboard 4_IN | Assign the 4th keyboard to division GO |
2 - Harmonic Flute 8' | Stop |
2 - Harmonic Trumpet 8' | Stop |
2 - Hohl Flöte 8' | Stop |
2 - Mixture IV | Stop |
2 - Octave Diapason 4' | Stop |
2 - Octave Phonon 4' | Stop |
2 - Octave Quint 3' | Stop |
2 - Open Diapason I 8' | Stop |
2 - Open Diapason II 8' | Stop |
2 - Principal 4' | Stop |
2 - Rohr Flöte 8' | Stop |
2 - Stopped Quint 3' | Stop |
2 - Super Octave 2' | Stop |
2 - Tibia Octave 4' | Stop |
2 - Tibia Plena 8' | Stop |
2 - Tibia Profunda 16' | Stop |
2 - Tierce 1-3/5' | Stop |
2 - Tremulant | Stop |
2 - Tromba 8' | Stop |
2 - Trombone 16' | Stop |
2 - Trumpet Victoria [Fanfare] 8' | Stop |
2 - Wald Flöte 4' | Stop |
3 - Bassoon 16' | Stop |
3 - Bourdon 16' | Stop |
3 - Bourdon 8' | Stop |
3 - Chorus Mixture V | Stop |
3 - Clarion 4' | Stop |
3 - Contra Violone 32' | Stop |
3 - Cor de Nuit 8' | Stop |
3 - Cornopean 8' | Stop |
3 - Diapason Phonon 8' | Stop |
3 - Double Trumpet 16' | Stop |
3 - Flauto Traverso 8' | Stop |
3 - Gamba 8' | Stop |
3 - Gamba Celeste 8' | Stop |
3 - Geigen Principal 8' | Stop |
3 - Harmonic Flute 4' | Stop |
3 - Harmonic Quint 3' | Stop |
3 - Horn 8' | Stop |
3 - Oboe 8' | Stop |
3 - Octave Gamba 4' | Stop |
3 - Orchestral Trumpet 8' | Stop |
3 - Piccolo 2' | Stop |
3 - Principal 4' | Stop |
3 - Rohr Flute 4' | Stop |
3 - Salicetina 2' | Stop |
3 - Sharp Mixture III | Stop |
3 - Swell to Keyboard 1_IN1 | Assign the 1st keyboard to division SW |
3 - Swell to Keyboard 2_IN1 | Assign the 2nd keyboard to division SW |
3 - Swell to Keyboard 3_IN1 | Assign the 3rd keyboard to division SW |
3 - Swell to Keyboard 4_IN1 | Assign the 4th keyboard to division SW |
3 - Tierce 1-3/5' | Stop |
3 - Tremulant | Stop |
3 - Trumpet Victoria [Fanfare] 8' | Stop |
3 - Violone 16' | Stop |
3 - Vox Angelica [bass F] 8' | Stop |
3 - Vox Humana 8' | Stop |
3 - Vox Humana Mute | Stop |
3 - Vox Humana Temulant | Stop |
3 - [Grave] Mixture III | Stop |
3 - Æoline 8' | Stop |
4 - Carillon | Stop |
4 - Carillon Mute | Stop |
4 - Cello Celeste 8' | Stop |
4 - Clarinet 8' | Stop |
4 - Concert Flute Harmonique 4' | Stop |
4 - Corno di Bassetto 8' | Stop |
4 - Flute Celeste 8' | Stop |
4 - French Horn 8' | Stop |
4 - Glockenspiel | Stop |
4 - Harmonic Claribel 8' | Stop |
4 - Nasard Harmonique 3' | Stop |
4 - Orchestral Oboe 8' | Stop |
4 - Quintaton 16' | Stop |
4 - Salicional 8' | Stop |
4 - Schalmei 16' | Stop |
4 - Side Drum Tap | Stop |
4 - Solo to Keyboard 1_IN1 | Assign the 1st keyboard to division SOL |
4 - Solo to Keyboard 2_IN1 | Assign the 2nd keyboard to division SOL |
4 - Solo to Keyboard 3_IN1 | Assign the 3rd keyboard to division SOL |
4 - Solo to Keyboard 4_IN1 | Assign the 4th keyboard to division SOL |
4 - Tierce 1-3/5' | Stop |
4 - Tremulant | Stop |
4 - Tuba 8' | Stop |
4 - Violoncello 8' | Stop |
4 - [Harmonic] Piccolo 2' | Stop |
5 - Contra Viola 16’ | Stop |
5 - Octave Strings II | Stop |
5 - Octave Viola 4' | Stop |
5 - Orchestral Strings II | Stop |
5 - Orchestral to Keyboard 1 | Assign the 1st keyboard to division ORCH |
5 - Orchestral to Keyboard 2 | Assign the 2nd keyboard to division ORCH |
5 - Orchestral to Keyboard 3 | Assign the 3rd keyboard to division ORCH |
5 - Orchestral to Keyboard 4 | Assign the 4th keyboard to division ORCH |
5 - Quint Viola 3' | Stop |
5 - Side Drum Roll | Stop |
5 - Side Drum Tap | Stop |
5 - String Celestes [II] | Stop |
5 - Tibia Clausa 8’ | Stop |
5 - Tiercina 3-1/5' | Stop |
5 - Tremulant | Stop |
5 - Viol d' Orchestre [I-II] | Stop |
5 - Violette 2' | Stop |
6 - Bombarde to Keyboard 1 | Assign the 1st keyboard to division BOMB |
6 - Bombarde to Keyboard 2 | Assign the 2nd keyboard to division BOMB |
6 - Bombarde to Keyboard 3 | Assign the 3rd keyboard to division BOMB |
6 - Bombarde to Keyboard 4 | Assign the 4th keyboard to division BOMB |
6 - Clarion 4' | Stop |
6 - Contra Posaune 16' | Stop |
6 - Fourniture IV-V | Stop |
6 - Grand Chorus VI-VIII | Stop |
6 - Grand Diapason 8' | Stop |
6 - Grave Mixture V-VI | Stop |
6 - Posaune 8' | Stop |
6 - Principal 4' | Stop |
7 - Fanfare to Keyboard 1 | Assign the 1st keyboard to division FAN |
7 - Fanfare to Keyboard 2 | Assign the 2nd keyboard to division FAN |
7 - Fanfare to Keyboard 3 | Assign the 3rd keyboard to division FAN |
7 - Fanfare to Keyboard 4 | Assign the 4th keyboard to division FAN |
7 - Octave Sonora 4' | Stop |
7 - Sub Trumpet [TC] 16' | Stop |
7 - Trumpet Victoria 8' | Stop |
7 - Tuba 4' | Stop |
7 - Tuba Sonora 8' | Stop |
7 - Tuba [Enclosed in Solo] 16' | Stop |
7 - Tuba [Enclosed in Solo] 8' | Stop |
All Swells to Swell | Assign all division to the 3rd swell pedal (Sw3) |
Blower | Turn on the organ engine |
Bomb Unison Off_Coupler | Unison off |
Bomb/Bomb 16' B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/Bomb 16' M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/Bomb 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/Bomb 4' B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/Bomb 4' M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/Bomb 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/Ch 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/Ch 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/Ch B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Bomb/Ch M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Bomb/Ch_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Bomb/Fan 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/Fan 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/Fan B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Bomb/Fan M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Bomb/Fan_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Bomb/Go 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/Go 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/Go B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Bomb/Go M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Bomb/Go_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Bomb/Orch 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/Orch 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/Orch B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Bomb/Orch M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Bomb/Orch_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Bomb/P 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/P 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/P B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Bomb/P M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Bomb/P_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Bomb/P_Coupler (button) | Divisional coupler |
Bomb/P_Coupler (footpiston) | Divisional coupler |
Bomb/Sol 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/Sol 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/Sol B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Bomb/Sol M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Bomb/Sol_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Bomb/Sw 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/Sw 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Bomb/Sw B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Bomb/Sw M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Bomb/Sw_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Bombarde off Solo | Unassign the 4th keyboard from division BOMB |
CONF-1_IN1 … -8_IN1 | PerfomanceSequencer combination's buttons |
Ch Unison Off_Coupler | Unison off |
Ch/Bomb 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/Bomb 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/Bomb B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Ch/Bomb M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Ch/Bomb_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Ch/Ch 16' B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/Ch 16' M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/Ch 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/Ch 4' B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/Ch 4' M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/Ch 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/Fan 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/Fan 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/Fan B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Ch/Fan M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Ch/Fan_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Ch/Go 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/Go 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/Go B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Ch/Go M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Ch/Go_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Ch/Go_Coupler (button) | Divisional coupler |
Ch/Orch 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/Orch 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/Orch B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Ch/Orch M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Ch/Orch_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Ch/P 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/P 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/P B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Ch/P M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Ch/P_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Ch/P_Coupler (button) | Divisional coupler |
Ch/P_Coupler (footpiston) | Divisional coupler |
Ch/Sol 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/Sol 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/Sol B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Ch/Sol M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Ch/Sol_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Ch/Sw 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/Sw 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Ch/Sw B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Ch/Sw M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Ch/Sw_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Crescendo - 1_IN1 … - 4_IN1 | Selector of crescendo program #1 - #4 on the Crescendo Page |
Crescendo On | Crescendo wheel is enabled when this is turned on |
DIV0-1_IN1 … DIV0-8_IN1 | Divisional Combination frames for Pedal |
DIV1-1_IN1 … DIV1-8_IN1 | Divisional Combination frames for Choir |
DIV2-1_IN1 … DIV2-8_IN1 | Divisional Combination frames for Great Organ |
DIV3-1_IN1 … DIV3-8_IN1 | Divisional Combination frames for Swell |
DIV4-1_IN1 … DIV4-8_IN1 | Divisional Combination frames for Solo |
DIV5-1_IN1 … DIV5-5_IN1 | Divisional Combination frames for Orchestral |
DIV6-1_IN1 … DIV6-7_IN1 | Divisional Combination frames for Bombarde |
DIV7-1_IN1 … DIV7-4_IN1 | Divisional Combination frames for Fanfare |
DivBank - 1_IN1 ... - 8_IN1 | Divisional Combination banks |
DivCancel - Bombarde_IN1 | Turn off all stops and couplers on Bombarde |
DivCancel - Choir_IN1 | Turn off all stops and couplers on Choir |
DivCancel - Fanfare_IN1 | Turn off all stops and couplers on Fanfare |
DivCancel - Great_IN1 | Turn off all stops and couplers on Great |
DivCancel - Orchestral_IN1 | Turn off all stops and couplers on Orchestral |
DivCancel - Pedal_IN1 | Turn off all stops and couplers on Pedal |
DivCancel - Solo_IN1 | Turn off all stops and couplers on Solo |
DivCancel - Swell_IN1 | Turn off all stops and couplers on Swell |
Encl. Great Flues to Choir | Great Flues are played on Choir |
Encl. Great Reeds to Choir | Great Reeds are played on Choir |
Encl. Gt on Echo shoe | Assign Enclosed Great Organ to the 1st swell pedal (Sw1) |
Fan Unison Off_Coupler | Unison off |
Fan/Bomb 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/Bomb 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/Bomb B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Fan/Bomb M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Fan/Bomb_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Fan/Ch 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/Ch 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/Ch B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Fan/Ch M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Fan/Ch_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Fan/Fan 16' B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/Fan 16' M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/Fan 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/Fan 4' B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/Fan 4' M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/Fan 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/Go 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/Go 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/Go B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Fan/Go M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Fan/Go_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Fan/Go_Coupler (footpiston) | Divisional coupler |
Fan/Orch 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/Orch 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/Orch B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Fan/Orch M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Fan/Orch_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Fan/P 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/P 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/P B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Fan/P M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Fan/P_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Fan/P_Coupler (footpiston) | Divisional coupler |
Fan/Sol 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/Sol 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/Sol B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Fan/Sol M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Fan/Sol_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Fan/Sw 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/Sw 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Fan/Sw B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Fan/Sw M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Fan/Sw_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Full Organ 1 | Full Organ (Tutti) program #1 |
Full Organ 2 | Full Organ (Tutti) program #2 |
GEN1_IN1 ... GEN16_IN1 | General combination frame selectors from '1' to '16' |
General Cancel_IN1 | General cancel for General combination action |
Go Unison Off_Coupler | Unison off |
Go/Bomb 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Go/Bomb 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Go/Bomb B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Go/Bomb M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Go/Bomb_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Go/Ch 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Go/Ch 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Go/Ch B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Go/Ch M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Go/Ch_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Go/Fan 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Go/Fan 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Go/Fan B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Go/Fan M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Go/Fan_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Go/Go 16' B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Go/Go 16' M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Go/Go 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Go/Go 4' B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Go/Go 4' M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Go/Go 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Go/Orch 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Go/Orch 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Go/Orch B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Go/Orch M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Go/Orch_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Go/P 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Go/P 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Go/P B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Go/P M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Go/P_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Go/P_Coupler (button) | Divisional coupler |
Go/P_Coupler (footpiston) | Divisional coupler |
Go/Sol 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Go/Sol 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Go/Sol B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Go/Sol M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Go/Sol_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Go/Sw 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Go/Sw 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Go/Sw B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Go/Sw M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Go/Sw_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Great Choir man. Transfer | Reverse the manual assignments of Great and Choir divisions |
Help | Activate the on-screen help on the Keyboards Page |
KeyMass_0 - Pedal | Enable Keyboard Mass on the Pedal |
KeyMass_1 - Choir | Enable Keyboard Mass on the Choir |
KeyMass_2 - Great Organ | Enable Keyboard Mass on the Great |
KeyMass_3 - Swell | Enable Keyboard Mass on the Swell |
KeyMass_4 - Solo | Enable Keyboard Mass on the Solo |
KeyMass_5 - Orchestral | Enable Keyboard Mass on the Orchestral |
KeyMass_6 - Bombarde | Enable Keyboard Mass on the Bombarde |
KeyMass_7 - Fanfare | Enable Keyboard Mass on the Fanfare |
Next comb. bank_IN1 | Combination bank increment button |
Next comb. frame_IN1 | Combination frame increment button |
Orch Unison Off_Coupler | Unison off |
Orch. On Solo shoe | Assign Orchestral to the 4th swell pedal (Sw4) |
Orch/Bomb 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/Bomb 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/Bomb B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Orch/Bomb M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Orch/Bomb_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Orch/Ch 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/Ch 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/Ch B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Orch/Ch M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Orch/Ch_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Orch/Fan 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/Fan 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/Fan B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Orch/Fan M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Orch/Fan_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Orch/Go 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/Go 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/Go B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Orch/Go M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Orch/Go_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Orch/Orch 16' B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/Orch 16' M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/Orch 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/Orch 4' B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/Orch 4' M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/Orch 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/P 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/P 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/P B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Orch/P M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Orch/P_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Orch/P_Coupler (footpiston) | Divisional coupler |
Orch/Sol 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/Sol 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/Sol B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Orch/Sol M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Orch/Sol_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Orch/Sw 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/Sw 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Orch/Sw B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Orch/Sw M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Orch/Sw_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
P Unison Off_Coupler | Unison off |
P/Bomb B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
P/Bomb M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
P/Bomb Spl_Coupler | Split switch for divisional coupler |
P/Bomb_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
P/Ch B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
P/Ch M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
P/Ch Spl_Coupler | Split switch for divisional coupler |
P/Ch_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
P/Fan B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
P/Fan M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
P/Fan Spl_Coupler | Split switch for divisional coupler |
P/Fan_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
P/Go B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
P/Go M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
P/Go Spl_Coupler | Split switch for divisional coupler |
P/Go_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
P/Orch B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
P/Orch M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
P/Orch Spl_Coupler | Split switch for divisional coupler |
P/Orch_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
P/P 16' B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
P/P 16' M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
P/P 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
P/P 4' B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
P/P 4' M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
P/P 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
P/Sol B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
P/Sol M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
P/Sol Spl_Coupler | Split switch for divisional coupler |
P/Sol_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
P/Sw B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
P/Sw M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
P/Sw Spl_Coupler | Split switch for divisional coupler |
P/Sw_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Pedal Split | Turn on/off the pedal split functionality |
Pedal combinations to Choir | Divisional combinations of Pedal are activated by combination switches of Choir |
Pedal combinations to Great | Divisional combinations of Pedal are activated by combination switches of Great |
Pedal combinations to Solo | Divisional combinations of Pedal are activated by combination switches of Swell |
Pedal combinations to Swell | Divisional combinations of Pedal are activated by combination switches of Solo |
Previous comb. bank_IN1 | Combination bank decrement button |
Previous comb. frame_IN1 | Combination frame decrement button |
Reset to default - Bombarde_IN1 | Reset to default settings of Bombarde on Keyboards Page |
Reset to default - Choir_IN1 | Reset to default settings of Choir on Keyboards Page |
Reset to default - Fanfare_IN1 | Reset to default settings of Fanfare on Keyboards Page |
Reset to default - Great_IN1 | Reset to default settings of Great on Keyboards Page |
Reset to default - Orchestral_IN | Reset to default settings of Orchestral on Keyboards Page |
Reset to default - Pedal_IN1 | Reset to default settings of Pedal on Keyboards Page |
Reset to default - Solo_IN1 | Reset to default settings of Solo on Keyboards Page |
Reset to default - Swell_IN1 | Reset to default settings of Swell on Keyboards Page |
SWP1-0 … SWP4-7 | Swell assignment buttons |
Set | Set button of General Combination Action |
SetSelect | Set mode of Set button |
Sol Unison Off_Coupler | Unison off |
Sol/Bomb 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/Bomb 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/Bomb B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Sol/Bomb M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Sol/Bomb_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Sol/Ch 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/Ch 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/Ch B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Sol/Ch M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Sol/Ch_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Sol/Fan 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/Fan 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/Fan B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Sol/Fan M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Sol/Fan_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Sol/Go 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/Go 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/Go B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Sol/Go M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Sol/Go_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Sol/Orch 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/Orch 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/Orch B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Sol/Orch M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Sol/Orch_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Sol/P 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/P 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/P B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Sol/P M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Sol/P_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Sol/P_Coupler (button) | Divisional coupler |
Sol/P_Coupler (footpiston) | Divisional coupler |
Sol/Sol 16' B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/Sol 16' M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/Sol 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/Sol 4' B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/Sol 4' M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/Sol 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/Sw 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/Sw 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sol/Sw B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Sol/Sw M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Sol/Sw_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Sw Unison Off_Coupler | Unison off |
Sw/Bomb 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sw/Bomb 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sw/Bomb B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Sw/Bomb M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Sw/Bomb_Coupler | Divisional coupler |
Sw/Ch 16'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sw/Ch 4'_Coupler | Divisional transposing coupler |
Sw/Ch B_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Sw/Ch M_Coupler | Voice switch for divisional coupler |
Sw/Ch_Coupler | Division |
Views: 4213
Last updated: 22 April 2019
Applies to
Last updated: 22 April 2019
Applies to