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Independent Combination Action
The Kispest organ’s combination action (also known as the Setzer) is independent of the combination action built in Hauptwerk* (version 3) and it replicates the original organ’s own combination action. This feature is completely independent of Hauptwerk’s* own combination action system, allowing more convenient use and the possibility to register the virtual organ’s stop list in exactly the same way as the real organ.
It has 78 banks with 8 frames each denoted by a letter A to H. These frames form a continuous line so, for example, the combination frame 23H is directly followed by 24A if you press the > frame advancement navigation arrow. To operate the combination action:
First enter the number of the bank. You can do this by entering the first digit first and then you have a short time to enter the second digit. You can enter the digits using the numbered buttons.
After you selected the bank press a letter from A..H on the graphical display and this will activate the entered frame directly.
Tip: Make sure you save your combination action frames when you unload the organ. You can then restore this later by loading it from the Hauptwerk* menu.
Programming and resetting from Graphical User Interface (GUI) or Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)
Once you define a stop configuration on the console that you wish to save as a combination preset (also called a “frame”), press the S button once, and then press either a number/letter or a navigation key to select which combination frame you want to program. If you select the same frame that was previously active, the previous combination will be overwritten with the new one.
Hint: The easiest way to program a particular stop combination into the next frame is to press the S set button and then press the > increment button. This will program the currently set configuration to the next frame and increment the current frame by one to that frame – with a single click.
You can also assign MIDI messages to these buttons so that, if you have a MIDI-capable console, all these functionalities can be directly available to you in physical form as well.
Navigation and use during organ play
Navigating between different combination frames is very easy. You can directly enter the desired bank number by the numbers. You have a few seconds to enter both digits or enter only one digit. After selecting the bank press a letter to go to directly that frame. For example press 1, then 3 and then A and this will navigate you to 13A.
Loading and saving Combinations to files
Saving entire banks of combinations is just as easy as saving Hauptwerk’s* (version 3) own combinations, and can be configured using the same commands.
Last updated: 17 April 2019
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