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[Solved] I cannot log in to the website, my password is not accepted.
If you cannot log in to the website and the website displays 'Incorrect password' or 'The details you entered did not match our records. Please double-check and try again' this can indicate you might be entering the wrong password, or that your e-mail address was not yet verified.
If you just created an account, you will be sent an activation e-mail to verify your e-mail address. It might be the case that this activation e-mail has not reached you or went into a spam folder. Please check your e-mails and see if you received an activation e-mail. If you find the activation e-mail, copy the PIN code and paste it in the verification box on the website, or simply click the link to verify your address and you can sign in from there. If you cannot find your activation e-mail and cannot log in, open a support ticket and we will assist.