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What do I need to know about upgrading to Hauptwerk 5?
If you already use Hauptwerk 4 with some copy-protected or encrypted sample sets purchased and activated on your Hauptwerk 4 USB dongle (the so-called HASP dongle), you can upgrade to Hauptwerk V (Hauptwerk version 5) by purchasing either a perpetual upgrade license or a Hauptwerk V subscription; these two products are technically equivalent, the only difference is in the payment method and amount. Since Hauptwerk V uses a different type of copy-protection and encryption system than Hauptwerk 4, you will also need to migrate all your copy-protected or encrypted sample sets to the new format. Migrating means a conversion process where:
Your old Hauptwerk V licenses will be deleted in exchange to the new licenses in Hauptwerk V format; and
You will need to re-download all your previous copy-protected and encrypted sample sets from Inspired Acoustics in the new Hauptwerk V format and re-install them.
This latter process is essential and it is a direct consequence of the change Milan Digital Audio has introduced in the copy-protection system.
Last updated: 09 December 2019